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    Imaginary Betrayals: Subjectivity and the Discourses of Treason in Early Modern England (review)
    Introduction à l'étude des aspects dans le discours narratif
    Differential regulation of the MAP, SAP and RK/p38 kinases by Pyst1, a novel cytosolic dual-specificity phosphatase
    Induced expression of PD-1, a novel member of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily, upon programmed cell death.
    Rho-associated kinase, a novel serine/threonine kinase, as a putative target for small GTP binding protein Rho.
    The SH2 domains of Stat1 and Stat2 mediate multiple interactions in the transduction of IFN-alpha signals.
    Differential expression of myogenic determination genes in muscle cells: possible autoactivation by the Myf gene products
    Programmed cell death and Bcl-2 protection in the absence of a nucleus
    Fusion between a novel Kruppel-like zinc finger gene and the retinoic acid receptor-alpha locus due to a variant t(11;17) translocat...
    The outline structure of the T-cell alpha beta receptor